A conceptual framework for the adoption of m-commerce by brick-and-mortar retailers

Keywords: M-commerce, Brick-and-mortar retailer, Mobile shopping, Retail, Technology Organisation Environment (TOE) framework, Task-technology Fit (TTF) model


Regardless of the internal pressures, brick-and-mortar retailers are being compelled by external forces to adopt a mobile commerce (m-commerce) strategy in order to meet emerging consumer experiences in recent years. Although previous research has identified some of the factors that influence the adoption of m-commerce, there is scope for further investigation in light of the changing dynamics of the external forces. Aim: to propose a conceptual framework for adopting m-commerce by brick-and-mortar retailers. Methods: A scoping literature review was done to identify the most critical models/frameworks and factors that influence the adoption of m-commerce by brick-and-mortar retailers. Results: The paper presents a theoretical paradigm that enables a tentative understanding of the vital antecedents of m-commerce adoption by retail brick-and-mortar businesses. Apart from finding holes for future studies, the article suggests a feasible approach.


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How to Cite
Justino, M., Tengeh, R., & Twum-Darko, M. (2021). A conceptual framework for the adoption of m-commerce by brick-and-mortar retailers. FORCE: Focus on Research in Contemporary Economics, 2(2), 93-115. Retrieved from https://www.forcejournal.org/index.php/force/article/view/35